....Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admireable, think about such things. Whatever you have learned,heard or seen from me put into practice, and God's peace will be with you.... for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances. I know what is to be in need and I know what is is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to be content in any situation - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippans 4:6-11

Monday, November 9, 2009

The last 2 months...

As I read my last post, it still brings tears to my eyes. The last few months have been painful and sad. So much has happened in two months with my family.... My whole world feels turned upside down, as if I am walking on my hands. I stepped down at my job, and just work 2 days a weeks which has been a great adjustment financially and emotionally. I did not realize how much identity I had in my job, it really was the best choice and has given me more time to find identity in being a wife and a mother again. We also have stepped away from Kids ministry at church, this has been the hardest change, because I feel as if I have failed. I have never quit anything, In all my years with the Lord I have never not been "doing something" at church. I feel completely isolated but the truth in that is that I have done it to myself, and now feel like I am in a corner that I can not get out of. Jumping back into my life or what was my life feels to hard, running feels easier. Everything and everyone around me has moved forward and I still feel stuck... I am reading the Book of Luke trying my hardest to press into the Lord, along with a book on the Life of Jesus, and it has been refreshing to think of Jesus as a man who saw the pain in this world, daily I am learning to walk with the Lord more, that His grace in enough, that there is nothing I can do to walk out of His Love for me. So, here are some pictures of both the girls first days of school, and October! My children have smiles and laughter that sustain the broken heart... In Grace, Julie

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Oh Julie,

I'm so sorry for your loss and for your grief.

Julie, please know you are not a failure at anything...stepping away from something when you know it's the right thing to do is not failing...it is being wise! And, I know God is directing your path...and I'm thankful you are seeking Him in all things.

Always remember He causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose for them.

I'm praying for you Julie,
