....Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admireable, think about such things. Whatever you have learned,heard or seen from me put into practice, and God's peace will be with you.... for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances. I know what is to be in need and I know what is is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to be content in any situation - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippans 4:6-11

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A whole year....

In 2 days it will be a whole year since my Dad's death. I can hardly believe that I have lived a whole year of my life with out him. So much has happened, major life events that I have to tell myself he was not apart of. This last year has been a year of great pain, growth, change, and restoration. I can honestly say that at the end of the day- I am proud of myself and my family. We have lived the last year with grace, and unity. We have taken care of each other, it always seemed as if there was always an emotional balance, when someone was having a hard day, there was someone to carry them, cry with them or just hug them. There is this song that came out just before my Dad died and there are a few lines that have profoundly encouraged me through this year "love will hold us together, make us a shelter to weather the storm and I will be my brothers keeper so the whole world will know that we are not alone...this is the first day of the rest of your life, and even in the dark we can still see the light, it is going to be alright, it is going to be alright..." I know now that it is going to be alright, that the Lord's grace is sufficient, that love holds all things together. My Dad would be so proud!!! I often wonder if I could have one more moment with my Dad, what I would say or do but the truth is I would change nothing about my last interactions with him, my last meal with him was spaghetti at my house, my last phone call was hours before he died, my last words were "have fun on your hike and I love you." I am blessed.

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