....Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admireable, think about such things. Whatever you have learned,heard or seen from me put into practice, and God's peace will be with you.... for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances. I know what is to be in need and I know what is is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to be content in any situation - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippans 4:6-11

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And time just keeps moving us forward....

I am so frustrated with myself and not updating our blog more often. Not that I have millions of followers, but simply for the fact that it make me sit down and reflect. This blog helps me to document our life. Wow, in the last few months so much life has happened, I am not sure where to start. Since my last entry was about the 1 year anniversary of my Dad's death I will begin there. We had a wonderful time in Orcas Island, the whole family was together, the weather was awesome, windy stormy and rainy at night and cloudy and dry during the day. The kids played outside the whole time as if it where summer. It was a great time of togetherness, sorrow and fun. Just what we needed to do, to celebrate Dad, and Lord willing will be a family tradition. Other exciting events, Ellie got baptized- she made the decision all by herself and it was so amazing to watch the Lord guide her through the process, I am so excited to watch the Lord guide her life. We had Leroy's
35th, Ryan's 3rd, Johanna's 5th, Jake's 1st, Grandpa's 86th, Ellie's 8th and Rex's 29th birthdays-that is alot of birthdays, a trip to Mt. Baker on spring break, Brian and Stacy announced they are having a girl in November, I got a new job, and LOVE IT, the vegetable garden was planted and is doing great, we got a new bunny named Ginger, and 6 new chickens in the spring, they are really funny and should be laying eggs soon, another Fathers day passed like a dagger in our hearts, some fun day trips, the picture above was just a few days ago on the top Chinook Pass-we went to check out all the snow left in July and it was alot, VBS camp for the girls, and the list goes on. Like I said lots of life has happened and painfully I have to admit that time does heal wounds. I remember when my Dad first died people would say-"It gets better with time" After coming out of the year mark I would say that it that it does not get better, you just learn to do life again and time just keeps moving us forward. So, you adjust, you change, you grow in ways that you never could imagine. Some of my biggest personal changes has been that I have learned that Life is meant to be lived. Relationships are the most valuable asset you receive, the little stuff matters, be kinder than necessary, practice gratefulness, Choose quality whether it be time spent, relationships, or good chocolate- you are worth it. So, as I listen to my kids play with their Dad, enjoying the carefree summer day I am thankful for the crazy, fun roller coaster ride called life.

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